Ladies Poker Night

Description: Join us for Ladies Poker Night! Tickets are free, and prizes will be available to the best players. The event will start with a simple introduction on how to play Poker, so beginners are welcome!
Approval status: Approved
Room: Áras na Mac Léinn - The Hub
Start time: 18:30:00 - Wednesday 18 October 2023
Duration: 2.5 hours
End time: 21:00:00 - Wednesday 18 October 2023
Created by: 81004_Anna Lee_Dowling
Last updated: 15:59:38 - Wednesday 04 October 2023
Additional Information: Chairs and tables for 36 people will be needed.
Organised by: Women in Law, Poker Soc and Biz Soc
Repeat type: None
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